WordIt 2 High Scores, Original version

1Jim283154 weeks agoUnited Kingdom
2Jim 282654 weeks agoUnited Kingdom
3Jim 279326 months agoChina
4ks277712 months agoUnited States
5Jim 277653 months agoChina
6ks277474 weeks agoKorea (South)
7ks276921 year agoUnited States
8kets276522 months agoKorea (South)
9ks275642 months agoUnited States
10Jim275003 weeks agoChina
11ks270981 month agoKorea (South)
12ks269854 months agoUnited States
13Jim269602 years agoChina
14Jim269501 year agoChina
15Jim267321 year agoChina
16Jim 267211 year agoUnited Kingdom
17ks267165 months agoUnited States
18Jim266751 year agoChina
19ks265323 months agoKorea (South)
20ks264708 months agoKorea (South)
21ks264431 year agoKorea (South)
22ks264351 year agoUnited States
23ks263511 year agoKorea (South)
24kets263468 months agoKorea (South)
25ks263213 months agoKorea (South)
26Jim 263191 year agoUnited Kingdom
27ks263041 year agoKorea (South)
28Jim 262922 years agoChina
29kets262675 months agoUnited States
30Jim262552 years agoChina

WordIt 2 High Scores

Welcome to the WordIt 2 High Scores page!

Here you can see the daily, weekly, monthly and the all-time WordIt 2 high scores achieved by players.

The scores are for the original Flash version of the WordIt 2 online game only, and not for the old version of WordIt, which has its own high score page.

A maximum of 30 scores are shown for each time category for each of the 20 game levels and for the final game score. You can navigate between the time categories and levels by pressing the buttons above the leaderboards.

The scores go back to April 2017.

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